June 24, 2011


                                                                                                                                   Borrowed from here.
So I'm turning 30 today

It apparently is a big deal for any girl, judging by the reactions of all of my friends who recently turned 30. Now I usually pride myself on being quite rational, but 30 has always been flagged in my mental representation of age (and I mean literally, as I am part of the roughly 10% of the population who has a visual, 3D and colored mental representation of numbers - it's a hereditary thing...).
The thing is, my mum turned 30 not long after I was born, and I always thought that meant I'd be a mum by the time I turned 30. Which is as irrational as it gets.
So I'm turning 30 and I am not a mum. But I am happily married, healthy, I have an amazing family, amazing in-laws, and amazing friends. Which is as good as it gets!

June 23, 2011

Robert Kroetsch R.I.P.

My thoughts go to his family and friends, and to Aritha VanHerk, Rudy Wiebe and Thomas Wharton among many others.

He taught the lovely treachery of words to those of us who were lucky enough to read his works.

March 8, 2011

The stars, the moon...

January 27, 2011


Les vacances de Noël en quelques clichés...

"Sealed with a kiss"

10 Juillet 2010