My father took this picture last April. He was standing on the place Stanislas outside the Musée des Beaux Arts bookstore, and I was inside, looking out. I "autumnized" the picture with Photoshop. I love the reflection on the window.
The place Stanislas webcam.
The place Stanislas webcam.
That is an amazing picture! I love it.
Thanks Matt!
Il est bien ton blog, grâce à toi je sais qu'ils ont décoré la place Stan, ça m'évite de marcher !
actually i have been using different kinds of image-editing software to make ‘painting’,like the one you have here. the results are always good .
Jérémy: oui je me suis faite la même réflection quand j'ai vu la webcam! les bonnes looses....
Thibaud: I can tell you the original is not as good as this one. Even with Place Stan' :)
flora lingo: well, why don't you create a blog so we can see your edited pictures?
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