I'm alive! Aliiive!" yells I.
And then hell breaks loose: Massive convulsions wrack the sarcophagus, damn near shaking it off its cradle.
"Where have you been?" says you.
"My blogging self was in a coma for 3 months" says I.
"I noticed. Well what did your real self do these past months???" says you.
Closeup on my face, I'm obviously remembering...
Fade in to...
Me studying for my second, big, major, tough competitive exam.
Fade in to...
Me realizing my brain can't keep up.
On my face you can read: despair.
My thoughts are: I'm not good enough / I'm not as good as everybody thinks / I can't live up to the expectations of the people I care for.
Fade in to...
Me unable to sleep at night.
Fade in to...
Me unable to finish my meals.
Fade in to...
Me breaking down nearly everyday.
April 17 to 20. Me taking the exams. Beautiful weather.
On my face you can read: relief. I'm not doing such a bad job after all.
Different scenes that show that for a month and a half, I'm waiting for the results of both exams. The anguish is becoming overwhelming.
Not a night goes by without a nightmare about the results.
The first results arrive: I'm allowed to take the second session of the first exam.
Fade in to...
The last results arrive. I failed for the second time. Only difference: this year I worked twice as hard, and I got abysmally low grades.
On my face you can read: the confusing and exasperating feeling of having suffered for absolutely nothing.
Fade in to...
I receive the letter that says when I'm summoned for the second session.
Closeup on the letter: my oral exams are to take place exactly during my brother's wedding.
On my face you can read: utter disappointment, utter disbelief, utter disjoy.
Me looking for another job, another future, another prospect. And finding them, too.
Fade in to...
Me applying for a job as a teacher for the french gvt. If I get the job, I'll be travelling around the world from december to may.
Me applying for a "Master 2", to finish my MA, in case I don't get the job.
Fade out.
Good to hear from you again. I kinda thought the blog silence had something to do with exams.
Best wishes!
...ooh she is back !she is back!
Any news about the events that should have occured this past month ? No news on the blog ? Is the author dead ? ;-)
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