March 25, 2007

Prison Break

I used to be a free spirit...

and a juvenile delinquent

I loved cars and got caught for speeding...
...several times.
I even knew how to handle a detonator.
One day I organized a bank raid. Although I had arranged and rehearsed it to the last detail... siblings didn't listen things went horribly wrong, and I was sent to prison.
My brother and my cousin decided to get me out of there.
They finally did. We were worried that if they caught us we would all go to prison

...but we found shelter in a farm.



Matt said...

Cute story. Here's hoping that this prison break means that your exams went well!

Anonymous said...

Je vois que mon travail de diapos n'est pas inutile.Et je ne pensais pas faire partie d'une famille de voyous!!!Bisous

Anonymous said...

i am waiting so eagerly for the next episode.

Matt said...

Like a Victorian serialist you're forcing us to wait a month between the instalments of your narrative. How're your exams going?