When I have to walk in the pouring rain, I love the moment when I'm so completely soaked that I don't even care anymore. I'm standing in the street with my hands in my pockets, and I let the water run down my face as if I were in my shower. People run around with their collars up, holding things over their heads, trying to hide from the rain, and I'm there, wholly relaxed, waiting for the traffic to stop. It feels like time has slowed down for me only. I get the exact same feeling when I look at this picture...

In Alberta the rain is normally accompanied by temperatures of around 10 C, leaving it far too chilly to walk in the rain. I am jealous of those who can (such as those in Vancouver and now, so it seems, Nancy). It seems like sometimes the only weather we get out here is of the extreme variety. I can remember running once to catch a bus in rain so hard that the streets were swollen with it. Everywhere I went the rainwater was deeper than my shoes! I was soaked for hours, but it was pretty funny.
Rain is THE typical winter condition in Lorraine. A walk in the cold rain of december is probably what I will miss most if I happen to translate to another part of the world (that and Saint Nicolas gingerbread).
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