My internet connection at home is broken right now...
It's very weird to be sitting in a corner in a hallway of building J on campus, surrounded by fellow homo laptopians. Apparently we're all here to benefit from the joys of world wide communication, all plugged to the wall for power and connected to the wireless network, and all very carefully avoiding eye-contact with one another. That's what I don't like about university: it should be a place of absolute open-mindedness and exchanges, and instead in seven years I've found it more difficult to make friends here than anywhere else in the city.
This video from the early-1990s is a CBC news report on the Internet that really puts things in perspective. I started using the internet somewhere around 1992/93 and it's sometimes hard to believe how much it's changed.
Thanks for the video: amazing perspective!
I guess what we're doing right now - exchanging our thoughts about the internet through the internet - is some sort of metacommunication!
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