Not many things I hear or see anger me. I am generally unhopeful about mankind, but rarely angry. However over the last couple of years, I have found that one recurring behavior invariably angers me: when people utter ridiculous and/or harmful statements with an obscene amount of assertiveness.
This kind of comment, I think, illustrates rather well what I call a vulgar blend of ignorance and self-confidence:
Wednesday, September, 06, 2006 9:10 AM
Uncle Max writes:
a few points
1) We are just pups. Just 230 years out of the block we are already the richest, most powerful nation in history. And we saved uncounted numbers of european butts 4 times in the last century.
2)Europe - especially the frogs - realize that with every breath they take and HATE us for it.
3)A story is told that in 1956 when france was loudly proclaiming its decision not to join NATO, French President General Charles De Gaulle loudly proclaimed that he wanted every American soldier out of France.
Replied then Secretary-of-State John Foster Dulles "Does that include the 100,000 buried there?"
History does not record the General's reply. Perhaps for once in his life he just decided to shut up.
To those both in this country and without who hate us, I quote the late Richard J. Daley of the great city of Chicago: "I'll see you at the Christmas party and I'll have mistletoe on the back of my suitcoat."
iow -
source here
Uncle Max writes:
a few points
1) We are just pups. Just 230 years out of the block we are already the richest, most powerful nation in history. And we saved uncounted numbers of european butts 4 times in the last century.
2)Europe - especially the frogs - realize that with every breath they take and HATE us for it.
3)A story is told that in 1956 when france was loudly proclaiming its decision not to join NATO, French President General Charles De Gaulle loudly proclaimed that he wanted every American soldier out of France.
Replied then Secretary-of-State John Foster Dulles "Does that include the 100,000 buried there?"
History does not record the General's reply. Perhaps for once in his life he just decided to shut up.
To those both in this country and without who hate us, I quote the late Richard J. Daley of the great city of Chicago: "I'll see you at the Christmas party and I'll have mistletoe on the back of my suitcoat."
iow -
source here
This is probably the zillionth time I have read something like that, and it is certainly not the last. Now there is no way the genius who wrote that figured such a subtle approach to foreign affairs on his own. Nor, I assume, did he learn about French culture and politics in a college debate team. So that leaves us with the media. Welcome on Fox Planet, folks!

I really understand where you're coming from. It was honestly appalling to see much of America's reaction to France's stance on the "War on Terror." It saddened me to know that elected representatives would be so childish as to officially change the name of french fries to freedom fries. I must say that all in all I'm slightly jealous of France's unwavering position with regards to the United States, since the Canadian government (especially under Stephen Harper) seems to constantly want to please the American government, contrary to the wishes of his people. In conclusion, I would like to apologise for North America's lack of foreign awareness. We're not all this ignorant and belligerent, I promise.
I am sure that our government did not budge an inch for its own not necessarily good reasons, but we were still glad.
It was especially good to feel a real cohesion between France and Germany, what with the difficult past we share.
However you shouldn't feel obliged to apologize for North America, I am perfectly aware that people like the one I quoted represent no one but themselves. And believe me the media in France is as bad as anywhere else. I'm nonetheless grateful for your sympathy!
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