January 2, 2007

My Jack Lament

After a week spent with my family, I'm back in town. I have to readjust my mind to the lonely, quiet, academic atmosphere of my place. I relish the fact that no one was waiting for me to come back, and I can really take care of myself. I am definitely going through a loner phase... which often happens in winter. If I was a shaman, I would have a bear for my guardian spirit!
I wish everyone a happy new year!


youluoy said...

Bonne Année et félicitations pour ton blog !

Après avoir lu le dernier message j'ai fait semblant de me cultiver sur http://www.evene.fr/citations/mot.php?mot=solitude.

Le moins que l'on puissse dire c'est que les "grands penseurs" ne sont pas vraiment d'accord sur le sujet.

La palme à Aziz Chouaki pour :
"La solitude, c'est promener son chien."

pas compris, cherche encore.

la meilleure selon moi :

"toute pensée efface un rêve"
Henri Petit

Del-ight said...

Sois le bienvenu ici et merci pour le lien!

J'aime bien celle-là aussi:
"On me reproche le goût de la solitude. Je suis plus accoutumé à mes défauts qu'à ceux d'autrui." [Chamfort]

Anonymous said...

I think you are more fortunate than me.
i spent my new year2007 alone, with my cats(my guardian spirits) in a room near the seaside. Expecting new year posts from those blogs i know but the internet connection was badly affected by the quake that happened a few days ago.
If you think you are going through a loner phase,let me quote albert camus :
---solitude,a luxury of the rich.
---you would not write about loneliness so much if you knew how to get the most out of it.
wish you a happy new year!