January 24, 2007

Odds and sods

I forgot to mention that at last winter is showing its head here in Nancy. It snowed all day yesterday, and today we're having a clear blue shiny beautiful cold weather.

(that's Place Stanislas invaded by fir trees demonstrating against Christmas)

Unfortunately, my oh so beloved neighbors haven't stopped drilling holes in the walls. Tomorrow I'm moving in the campus library with all my stuff -- they're not the friendliest people there but I'm sure they won't mind.


Matt said...

Amusingly enough, it's finally starting to warm up out here. Today was +5, which was a nice change from the -15 we had a week ago. It will be really interesting in a few months' time when all of the snow we've accumulated over the Winter starts to melt; everything will be muddy, for sure.

Unknown said...

Those trees do look oddly regimented.