October 9, 2006


What do you do, when you live in France and you have a deep spiritual attachment to Canada? You hang on to such events as Canadian Thanksgiving. So tonight we are organizing a humble meal that will imitate - but not mimic - Thanksgiving in Canada. We are exiled from a country we never lived in! Not that France isn't my home, but Canada is a part of me, now. That part of me is certainly a biased, distorted Canada : after all the first and last time I went there was during a 9 day long canoe trip, and the only people I met were two rangers I came across in the middle of the woods while carrying a canoe on my head. Mosquitoes, loons, eagles and squirrels, lakes and rocks and woods are my Canada.

1 comment:

Flavius Mauricius Tiberius Augustus said...

That's my Canada too, fellow Canoedian.